Advancing Ethics Series


Advancing Ethics Series

2020 Diversity & Inclusion Summit


The 2020 UCCS Diversity and Inclusion Summit is part of the Advancing Ethics Series—a range of interrelated events which will take place over the next two academic years.  Both the Summit and the Series are designed as open learning and listening forums, which provide students, faculty and staff the opportunity to discuss and share ideas regarding current issues that impact the campus community. 

This year’s summit highlights the theme of Advancing Ethics: Broadening the Discussion.  UCCS has already made strides in advancing research and teaching about ethics and initiating a campus-wide dialogue about ethical behavior and decision-making. The Advancing Ethics Series in general, and the 2020 Diversity and Inclusion Summit in particular, aim to broaden this dialogue by incorporating a wider range of perspectives and disciplines. In combining the interrelated themes of ethics in action-practice, equity, diversity, inclusion and sustainability, the summit will advance the University’s commitment to ethical principles and practices, and contribute to building a reputation for UCCS as a campus where research and knowledge about ethics, ethics in the curriculum, and ethical practices and leadership are central across the entire University.  By advancing this dialogue, UCCS has the potential to become a leader in the state as well as the nation in establishing these values as central to our identity as a campus.  The 2020 Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Summit will encourage students, faculty, staff, and administration to develop or build upon and leverage existing practices and initiatives; identify and prioritize concrete areas of improvement in order to promote an ethical campus culture; and create classrooms and workplace environments in which all campus stakeholders thrive and reach their full potential. 

The 2020 UCCS Diversity and Inclusion Summit aims to address a range of topics including: 

  • Establish some common language and understanding of ethical behavior, ethical leadership, and how it is implemented, drawing from diverse perspectives and disciplines; 
  • Broaden our knowledge of “ethics” and examinee what ethics in practice looks like; 
  • Examine the relationship between ethical behavior and power relationships;  
  • Broaden the conversation about ethics on campus by learning from the practice of ethics at other social institutions, including the criminal justice system and corporations or business. What can we learn from the successes and failures in these specific areas?  
  • Consider what ethical behavior and decision-making should encompass at multiple levels: i.e., individuals, campus, department/units/offices, administration, etc.; 
  • Examine the interconnections among Ethics and Diversity, Inclusion, and Sustainability; 
  • Examine UCCS’s strengths regarding how ethics are currently institutionalized and practiced at UCCS; identify gaps; discuss ways we can all take our ethical behavior to the next level; and implement the institutionalization of ethical practice (including via our policies at various levels); 
  • Prioritize concrete goals & initiatives and create accountability. 

Related Links

The Matrix Center for the Advancement of Social Equity and Inclusion

The Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

The Kraemer Family Library

The Office of Sustainability

The Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative at UCCS